New Products at GreatWave

By Don Chamberlain

Are you experiencing too high levels of deadly compounds like ammonia, phosphate, nitrite ornitrate in your tank? If no matter what you do you can’t seem to create a healthy ecosystem,GreatWave Engineering has a new line…

Hygger Mini Heater

By Don Chamberlain

Until recently I’d never heard of Hygger until my friend Jessie AKA, Corydorablecaliaquariums, started reviewing some of their products. And then Hygger contacted me and asked if I’d like to review some of their products too.…

Thoughts on Filtration

By Don Chamberlain

Filtration is probably the most important thing any fish keeper should be thinking about, but like so many important things in life, it’s hard to get excited about your filter. You’d rather think about the gorgeous…

Rear Garden

By Don Chamberlain

March, 2018 3/8/18, Thur Planted Lily of the Nile, Fortnight Lily and Hyacinth. April, 2017 4/13/17, Thur Replaced pressure treated bridge to pavilion with cedar planks. February, 2017 2/12/17, Fri Planted junipuras squamata “blue star” in…


By Don Chamberlain

2/25/17, Sat: Purchased Genki Koi Kin-ki-Utsuri – Female Akesansai – 53 cm (20 3/4″) Breeder: Tsuna Kuromatsu is very faded after traveling. 6/8/18: 7/23/17, Sun: Moved to pond from QT. Measured 57 cm (22.5″). 3/17/17, Fri:…


By Don Chamberlain

  Mukashi Ogon – ? Born – 2015 Purchased: Genki Nishikigoi, 10/9/16 Breeder: Matsue 10/9/16: 38 cm (15″) 6/8/18: Measured and returned to pond. 8/19/17, Sat: Measured: 51 cm (20 1/4″) 6/10/17, Sat: Attended Monterey Bay…


By Don Chamberlain

10/9/16, Sun: Shiro-Utsuri – Unknown Born: 2015 Purchased: Genki Nishikigoi, 10/9/2016 Breeder: Omosako 10/16/18, Tues: Measured and returned to pond. 3/31/18, Sat: Measured 43 cm ( 16 3/4′), Moved to pond. 8/19/17, Sat: Measured: 41 cm…


By Don Chamberlain

4/15/2015, Wed: Goshiki – Unknown Born – 2014 Purchased Genki Nishikigoi, 4/2014, tosai Breeder: Unknown 6/8/18: Measured and returned to pond. 2/25/17, Sat: Measured 43 cm (17″).and moved to pond. Determined to be a male. 3/31/17,…