Rear Garden
March, 2018
3/8/18, Thur
Planted Lily of the Nile, Fortnight Lily and Hyacinth.
April, 2017
4/13/17, Thur

Replaced pressure treated bridge to pavilion with cedar planks.
February, 2017
2/12/17, Fri
Planted junipuras squamata “blue star” in southeast corner and under cedar.

Planted sedum Angelina Golden Stonecrop in forecourt.

January, 2017
1/16/17, Mon:

Planted new Azalea “Shugetsu”, Autumn Moon.
November, 2016
11/22/16, Tue:
CJ & Justin Rebuilt walkway and placed crushed granite cover on rear terrace.

Pruned Japanese Maple

May, 2016
5/24/16, Tue:
Planted Camellia and reset stones on rear terrace.

April, 2016
4/27/16, Wed:

Planted Bronze Carpet and Angelina Stonecrop in forecourt.
November, 2015
Pruned deodar cedar.
August, 2015
8/9/15, Sun:
Planted ground cover in Rear Garden:
April, 2015:
4/23/15, Thur:
Sprayed azalea and hawthorne bushes with Nualgi.
March, 2015:
3/24/15, Tue:
Planted Flowering Cherry, Prunus serrulata ‘Amanogawa’
December, 2014:
12/26/14, Fri:
Pruned Japanese Maple and cleaned off dead leaves.
November, 2014:
11/16/2014, Sun:
Planted Picea pungens ‘The Blues’ spruce in south east corner of rear garden.
and another hawthorn behind cedar.
11/11/2014, Wed:
Planted Loropetalum Crimson Fire near Yamashita Taki replacing a spindly azalea. Azalea moved to upper terrace where another azalea had died during summer hot spell. Planted Rhapholepsis Umbellata Minor Hawthorn behind Yamashita replacing another azalea that was lost in same heat wave.
July, 2014:
7/9/2014, Wed:
Purchased three new conifers for rear garden at Dave’s in Hayward. Golden Hinoki Cypress, Blue Spruce “The Blues”, Green Prince Cedar.
May, 2014:
5/19/2014, Mon:
Detassled and candled black pine.
January, 2014:
1/3/2014, Fri:
Planted sedum lineare “Tricolor” around stones in forecourt. Planted left overs under cedar and near sequoia in rear terraces.
November-December, 2013:
During November and December, pruned the rear garden kuro matsu.
August, 2013
8/3/2013, Sat:
Installed R5 and R6 kuro matsu outlets to deep water kuro matsu and momiji and surrounding ground cover.
July, 2013
7/28/2013, Sun:
Planted three new conifers purchased from Pond and Garden in Cotati yesterday on my trip with Jack and Gerry.
7/30/2013, Tue:
Finally located R5 & R6 outlets and got R6 valve operating correctly. Swapped R5 & R6 circuits to reduce amount of trenching and piping required.
7/31/2013: Wed:
Installed irrigation in azalea terrace. Had to switch connection from R6 to R5 circuit.
June, 2013
6/10/2013, Mon:
Planted New Blue Tamarix Juniper in South East corner.
May, 2013
5/20/2013, Mon:
Finished sealing nobedan.
January, 2011
Extend fujidana in rear for privacy. Neighbors removed fig tree and vine.