Torako – 2012
Born in Koten-En, 2012
Measured and returned to pond, 63 cm (25″)
8/19/17, Sat:
Measured: 60 cm (23 3/4″). Moved to pond.
6/28/17, Wed:
Measured and moved to Show Tank.
Measured 60 cm (23.75″).
3/27/2016, Sun:
Measured 56 cm, 19″, moved from QT back to pond.
7/26/2014, Sat:
Captured Torako to treat infection. Scrapped behind gills, under pectoral fin and anal region. Did not observe any parasites. Tail and dorsal fin are badly frayed. Redness observered on fins and body. Attempted Tricide Neo dip for 5 minutes, managed about 1 minute. Measured 40.6 cm. Returned to pond.
Treatment tank after treatment.
6/7/2014, Sat:
Moved to pond, 38.7 cm
33 cm, Removed Torako from pond and placed in measuring tank (MT). Scraped behind gills, at anal vent, tail and belly. Did not see any sign of parasites. Tail is badly infected with bacteria. Placed in tub with 5 gal of water and 2.5 ml MinnFinn for 50 minutes.
Torako began falling over at this point so treatment was ended by adding 5 gr of NeuFinn. Transferred to MT and measured. Added three buckets of water from QT to raise temperature. Transferred Torako to QT and removed Sube. Sube measured 58 cm.
27 cm Measured and photos taken when moving fish to pond after Quarantine Tank failed.
6/27/2013: 23 cm
5/26/2013, Sun:
Measured 20 cm