Bricks are a relatively new Biohome® variety. We’ve sold quite a few, but haven’t received much feedback yet so it is difficult to tell how they’ll work long term. We had one customer that use them in an HOB filter. That was a bit of a surprise. I don’t think I would have ever thought of that, but once I realized a Brick would fit in his Fluval AquaClear 110 it made a lot of sense.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out very well. He reported the Bricks began to disintegrate fairly soon. He used fish line to retrieve them for cleaning and he was using them in a turtle tank so was cleaning them pretty frequently. They were designed with Sumps or Marine Tanks in mind so would hopefully not be disturbed that often.
I just received some information form a customer that is using the Bricks in a more conventional application. It will be very interesting to see how they work for him. Here’s his story:
Here are a few pictures for you to look at and let me know what you think. I have not added the bricks yet the plan is to remove the scrubber in the picture its that black looking box and stack the two new bricks there on top of a current brightwell brick.
Let me know if the pictures came through ok. I still need to get a filter but figured I would go ahead and send you some pictures. I do have acros in the tank but the blues don’t do them justice so I left them out for now. Oh and yes I do have fish in the tank I think I actually got lucky and they didn’t hog the camera lol.