Janval, Santa Rosa
July, 2017
I am in complete awe of Biohome. As I had let you know, we did a tank swap last week retiring our 26 gallon and moving those fish into the 65 gallon that used to house the fish in this new 115 in the attached pictures. We transferred all the established Biohome media from filter to filter ( 206 media into the 406 and 406 media into the new Sump system. I had about 1-2 kilos left from my original order so we added one new tray of media to the 406 and the rest to the Sump. You can see the photo where we layered Biohome on top of one layer of bio balls then another layer of Biohome in the middle of the media hold.
There was a half a day of cloudy water then nothing crystal clear. With the black painted back and bottom and a bare bottom setting, the clarity really stands out.
After one week the new 115 is at 10 ppm nitrate, 0 ppm nitrite and <1ppm amonia. With a water change coming in two days. Now we did transfer the about 60 gallons of the established water and some of the gravel, but with 55 gallons of new water, I would say new tank syndrome is not an issue.
The 65 gallon with the 406 and the transferred Biohome , water and gravel didn’t skip a beat.
I am a testimonial to this product where ever we go.
November, 2016
Hello there, Don!
We’re going on month three of 0 chemical filtration and Biohome in all three tanks. I must say, water clarity is tremendous.
Water quality has been unbelievably predictable too…rarely encroaching above 20 ppm nitrates before the weekly water changes. That is a feat for those heavily loaded tanks…big fancy gold fish contribute profusely to the circle of life, if you get my drift.
Ammonia in our tanks has never shown up since switching the media and this is a real bonus. We are very very happy and thank you for helping us get set up. Updated photos show the real results and a couple of new additions….
September, 2016
I just did my review on your website. Our babies are very happy!
Hello there, Don!
We’re going on month three of 0 chemical filtration and Biohome in all three tanks. I must say, water clarity is tremendous.
Water quality has been unbelievably predictable too…rarely encroaching above 20 ppm nitrates before the weekly water changes. That is a feat for those heavily loaded tanks…big fancy gold fish contribute profusely to the circle of life, if you get my drift.
Ammonia in our tanks has never shown up since switching the media and this is a real bonus. We are very very happy and thank you for helping us get set up. Updated photos show the real results and a couple of new additions….