Hirohito – 2009
Uchiba Shigure-Male
Purchased from Cherry Hill Koi Spring, 2009
Put down Hirohito. Performed necropsy. Body cavity filled with fatty material. Intestines not visible.
Noticed that Hiro was wasting away. Removed from pond and placed in QT at 65°. On 12/8/20 Dr. Jessie Sanders visited and check Hiro.
Measured and returned to pond, 67 cm (26 1/2″)
Measured and returned to pond.
7/23/17, Sun:
Returned to pond from Show Tank.
6/28/17, Wed:
Measured and moved to Show Tank.
Measured 64 cm (25.25″).
3/31/2017: 64 cm (25.25″)
Took to ZNA NorCal Koi Show