I purchased 1 kg of biogravel for my 15L biOrb Tube, along with two medium foam filters and a package of starter balls. Don went above & beyond to help me perform an upgrade to the tiny filter on my biOrb, even creating a printable template I could use to properly cut & size the foam pieces.
The templates worked well and I layered the two identically-sized pieces of foam on the bottom of the tank. I poured the pre-rinsed biogravel on top of the foams. I gently pulled the foams away from edges of the tank enough to allow biogravel to fall between the foam & clear edges. This gives the appearance of only biogravel & no sponge. (Like frosting a cake so the cake is covered.) I placed the starter balls within the tiny filter casing that came with the tank, snapped it shut and placed it in the designated middle spot below the aerator tube. I used jugs of spring water to fill the tank.
As per Don’s instructions, I daily “fed” the fishless tank with crushed betta pellets (approx 6+ per day) to allow ammonia to build in the tank and start the cycle. I ran the aerator and set the heater to stay at 78 degrees. I tested the water parameters every other day and only got a tiny ammonia “spike” of 1. Never really saw much in the way of nitrites or nitrates. Perhaps I somehow missed those if they quickly spiked and fell? I can’t help but wonder if the biohome helps to speed up the cycling very rapidly in such a small tank?
After four weeks of fishless cycling, I added one betta fish and the water parameters have been good in the weeks since. My betta appears happy and healthy.”
Thanks for helping me through this process Don! –Tammy
Well, Tammy’s more than welcome. She sent along some photos and a short video too so if you’re thinking about upgrading a BiOrb, this may give you some ideas.